Common Questions about Tofu Cat Litter

We have listed here all the common questions about Tofu Cat Litter, which is a plant-based, biodegradable product.

Unlike other types of cat litter such as paper or chemical-based cat litter, plant-based tofu cat litter works best when filled to a depth of 5 cm in the litter box, allowing the litter to completely envelop the excrement for optimal absorption and deodorizing effects.

Ideally, cat owners should clean the litter box daily, scooping out the excrement and clumped litter. It is recommended to replace the entire litter box every 2-3 weeks. Pay special attention during humid seasons as the litter may need to be changed more frequently.

Our cat litter is 100% plant-based, all natural, and contains no preservatives, so a small amount is safe to consume. Our product meets animal feed standards, but if your cat has ingested a large amount of cat litter or you are unsure, please consult your veterinarian immediately.

Our cat litter is developed and tested to the highest standards in Suqian, and after careful monitoring and control of the production process, we ensure that our products are completely safe for all cats.

Once the seal has been opened, our cat litter can be stored in a cool and dry environment for 3 months.

Once the waste is completely covered by Chinese tofu cat litter, the deodorizing effect starts immediately.

Our cat litter is flushable. Once your cat’s waste has formed clumps in the litter box, scoop it up and dispose of it directly into the toilet for easy cleaning. To avoid clogging, each litter box should be flushed 2-3 times each time it is cleaned.

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